The 1890 Manual further stated the location monuments in Montana were now to be marked “U.S.L.M.” along with the number identical to the survey for which the monument was established.
This manual also mentioned the location monuments had formerly been known as “Initial Points”. Surveyor General, mentioned an “old manual”, issued in 1884, had become obsolete with the issuing of various circulars and orders. In the preface for the 1890 Montana manual, George O. Those known to exist are for the states of Colorado, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, and Utah variously between the years 18.
The exact number of specific manuals that were issued for mineral surveyors is uncertain. This resulted in some differences in the manner in which the location monuments were described and numbered.
The initial instructions regarding mineral surveys were issued by the respective surveyor generals within the state where the surveys were being performed. A bearing tree for USLM 3554 in Montana still shows the blaze and scribing made in 1891.